Politicians recognize whoever controls the ballot box, controls your money. For some, it’s cheat your way to victory, then take the people’s money. Next, keep the power and never give it up. This is about your money! Understand the dirty tricks that are being waged against you and know what to look…
Political correctness is hammering away your First Amendment rights. George Orwell coined it 70 years ago and it is infecting America today. It is “New Speak.” Words you are not allowed to say. Thoughts you are not supposed to have. Learn the tactics the Progressive Left is using to limit free…
Kevin Freeman goes on the road to CPAC Dallas 2022 and talks with Frank Gaffney, Gordon Chang, and Former Congressman Dave Brat about the various threats we face from the Communist Chinese and how it is impacting our economy.
Texas Rep. Brian Babin joins Kevin Freeman for a special edition of the Economic War Room from CPAC Dallas 2022. Rep. Babin discusses the increasing threats that more than 3 million illegal immigrants are inflicting on our nation. He and Kevin also talk about what is happing inside the Beltway of…
The first Democrat president, Andrew Jackson, displaced hundreds of thousands of native Americans with his Indian Removal Act. The native Americans called it the “Trail of Tears.” Joe Biden and the same Democrat Party have put Trump supporters on notice that they could be removed as well. It used…
The economy is probably worse than it feels right now, because we’ve had what John Mauldin calls a “weird recession.” Kevin Freeman and John Mauldin talk about a wide range of topics that focus on the state of our current economy and what investors should be paying attention to. John points out…
Join Kevin Freeman and Dr. Everett Piper, author of Not a Daycare, as they review the role of higher education in society. Culture, religion, and morality are under attack. Dr. Piper explains what a true liberal arts education is supposed to be. Colleges should be teaching the laws of truth, not…
The internet is dominated by essentially two monopolies and the ability to control 3.5 billion people. Dr. Robert Epstein joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the serious threat Big Tech monopolies such as Google are to our economic liberty. Dr. Epstein explains a rigorous…
Instead of playing whack-a-mole with 100 different, crazy, insane agendas out there, Stella Morabito found what connected them all and what causes them. What gives these agendas oxygen is our tendency to self-censor when we have questions about the dangers that lie ahead. And that self-censorship…
We are told that the world is coming to an end and that everything is getting worse, with more floods, more droughts, more hurricanes, and so forth. And when you look at the record, you start to see there are a lot of fluctuations, but there really isn’t any long-term trend. Climate alarmists have…