Webinar | Memo to Team Biden and Wall Street: Stop Underwriting the CCP Threat with Our Money
Published On: April 25, 2024
Memo to Team Biden and Wall Street:
Stop Underwriting the CCP Threat with Our Money
Before Russia’s Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, he met with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping in Beijing. Before Israel was invaded, Iranian and Palestinian leaders did the same.
And after Venezuela’s Nicholas Maduro returned from meeting Xi in China’s capital, he announced that he would invade Guyana – an as-yet unfulfilled threat or, more to the point, an unexecuted order.
Could yet another invasion loom after Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s visit today with Xi in Beijing?
In point of fact, the Chinese Communist Party has already illegally inserted into this country multiple divisions-worth of unaccompanied, fighting-age men, apparently personnel of the People’s Liberation Army.
If the CCP regards Blinken and Joe Biden, who have allowed this invasion, to be – like Xi’s aforementioned interlocutors – its “controlled assets,”our home front may soon be the locus of the next act of strategic arson by Xi Jinping.
That frightening prospect makes all the more urgent abandoning the main purpose of Secretary Blinken’s ongoing trip – namely, the Biden administration’s and Wall Street’s efforts to redouble “engagement” with the Chinese Communist Party.
This week’s CPDC webinar examines specifically the practice and implications of continuing to pour mostly unwitting American investors’ funds into CCP-owned or -controlled companies. In less fraught times, such behavior has been unconscionable. Today, it is not only enabling our mortal enemy’s seemingly imminent conflict with us and/or our Pacific allies. It could help ensure America’s crushing defeat at the hands of our mortal enemy: the Chinese Communists.
- Frank Gaffney, Founder and Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China, co-author, “The Indictment: Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party and Friends for Crimes Against America, China, and the World”
- Roger W. Robinson, Jr., Former Senior Director for International Economic Affairs, Reagan National Security Council; former Chairman, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Chairman, Prague Security Studies Institute
Topic: “The Financial Warfare Domain: CCP’s Greatest Vulnerability and America’s Greatest Strength” - Kevin Freeman, Host of “Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman;” internationally recognized expert on economic warfare; author,Secret Weapon and Pirate Money – Topic: “What We Consider a Marketplace, Our Enemies Consider a Battlespace”
- Brian Costello, Tech sector entreprenuer; president of an Artificial Intelligence start-up – Topic: “Silicon Valley’s Role in Enabling the CCP: Weaponizing U.S. Venture Capital and Intellectual Property against America”
- Captain James Fanell, U.S. Navy (Ret.), former Chief of Intelligence, U.S. Pacific Fleet, co-author, Engaging Communist China: America’s Greatest Strategic Failure — “The Military Repercussions of Underwriting the PLA’s Threatening Buildup and Operations”
- Brian Kennedy, Former President, Claremont Institute; President, American Strategy Group; Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China; author, Communist China’s War Inside America – Topic: “Elite Capture, Financing the CCP Threat and What We Must Do to Save America”
- Putin last visited China for the Beijing Winter Olympics in February 2022 when Russia and China declared a “no-limits” partnership. | OCTOBER 17, 2023 | https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-768732
- Blinken Meets With Xi as U.S. Pressures China to End Support for Russia | By Michael R. Gordon and Brian Spegele | April 26, 2024 |https://www.wsj.com/world/blinken-meets-with-xi-as-u-s-pressures-china-to-end-support-for-russia-96e831e0
- Roger Robinson | https://www.pssi.cz/pssi-staff/9-roger-w-robinson-jr
- “International ‘Arson’: Is the CCP Sparking World War III’s Initial Conflagrations?,” a CPDC webinar, Frank Gaffney with Dr.
- David Wursmer, PhD, Col./Dr. Derrick Harvey, U.S. Army (Ret.), Dr. Stephen Byren, and Jeff Nyquist, Oct 13, 2023 | https://presentdangerchina.org/webinar-international-arson-is-the-ccp-sparking-world-war-iii/
- “Exposing the Rope-Sellers: Investigating Larry Fink and Other CCP “Old Friends”, A CPDC webinar, Frank Gaffney with Roger R. Robinson, Stephen Soukup, Will Hild, Christopher Iacovella, and Justin Danforth, Aug 8, 2023 | https://presentdangerchina.org/webinar-exposing-the-rope-sellers-investigating-larry-fink-and-other-ccp-old-friends/
- Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman | https://www.economicwarroom.com
- “Pirate Money” by Kevin D. Freeman | https://www.piratemoneybook.com/
“According to Plan: The Elites’ Plan to Sabotage America” by Kevin D. Freeman | https://www.amazon.com/According-Plan-Elites-Sabotage-America-ebook/dp/B0BCCV397V
“Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It can Happen Again” | by Kevin D. Freeman |https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Weapon-Economic-Terrorism-Brought/dp/1596987944
“Game Plan” by Kevin D. Freeman | https://www.amazon.com/Game-Plan-Protect-Yourself-Cyber-Economic/dp/1491531495 - National Security Consultants Institute | https://NSIC.org
- Are The Chinese Moving Special Operations Teams Onto Our Soil In Preparation For An Assault? We Don’t Know And We Aren’t Trying To Find Out. | By Sam Faddis | Apr 25, 2024 | AndMagazine | https://andmagazine.substack.com/p/are-the-chinese-moving-special-operations
- Sam Faddis: Are The Chinese Preparing To Start A War? Yes, They Call It “Volt Typhoon” | Bannon’s War Room |https://rumble.com/v4rk2xc-sam-faddis-are-the-chinese-preparing-to-start-a-war-yes-they-call-it-volt-t.html
- Indications: Are Red China Is Preparing For War With The United States | George Rasley, CHQ Editor | April 26, 2024 |https://www.conservativehq.com/post/indications-are-red-china-is-preparing-for-war-with-the-united-states
- “Communist China’s War Inside America” by Brian T. Kennedy, 2020 | https://www.amazon.com/Communist-Chinas-Inside-America-Broadside/dp/1641771607
- The Indictment Book – https://theindictmentbook.com/