Dr. Everett Piper joins the Economic War Room to share with us how we are ignoring American history as well as world history. Those who do not understand history are bound to repeat it. As a nation, we’ve refused to live by 10 simple laws, and the first consequence is the loss of freedom. Is being…
Our most essential liberties are under assault, including our right to free speech, right to own property, and the right to raise our children, passing along our culture, morals, and values. With politicized courts and discussions of packing the courts, America’s justice system is under attack. Now…
President Reagan warned that if we don’t fight for liberty, it would be only one generation from extinction. But what if the next generation doesn’t want freedom? There’s a group of people out there who have even decided that freedom is the new F-word. Ryan Helfenbein is in the Economic War Room…
Kevin Freeman goes on the road to CPAC Dallas 2022 and talks with Frank Gaffney, Gordon Chang, and Former Congressman Dave Brat about the various threats we face from the Communist Chinese and how it is impacting our economy.