Our system has been rigged for too long to benefit the rich and powerful. Yet that wasn't the intent of the pioneers who founded and built America. When this country was first established, regular people had deep conversations and debates about money even 100 years ago. "What is money?" was a topic…
The founders of this great country never intended for an overpowering federal government to control everything. They had a vision of free states united in commonalities but that were independent enough to protect individual liberty. This was tested with the Civil War, for sure. But even then, the…
Want to know why all of a sudden, American corporations have suddenly gone so woke? At first glance, you think it can't be about the money. Budweiser, Disney, and Target — they've all lost billions in sales and billions in market capital. But when you look behind the headlines, you learn it is…
America is the only protector of freedom on the globe. The globalists and the Chinese communists are working together, and their intention is to destroy America. Floyd Brown joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss how the enemies of freedom are working overtime to take economic…
BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard vote in lockstep on many corporate issues. They have about $20 trillion in assets under their management. That's on par with the GDP of the United States of America. When three CEOs can get in a room and switch a vote to change out the board members of a…
Tired of inflation devaluing your money? Rod Martin, one of the PayPal founding team members, explains how a new proposed gold-backed, state-backed Digital Texan currency could be done in a way that is precisely the same as the way people use bank accounts or PayPal accounts now. You have digital…
For those hoping a Joe Biden election might calm things down, Kevin Freeman shares why that’s flat-out wrong! This exclusive teaching series addresses the failed logic behind Biden’s promise to end shareholder capitalism. It is the end of individual ownership and the race to the controlled…
The Left has been weaponizing their money for years and Conservatives have not had an equal counterweight on the other side. There is a way to turn your wealth into true riches and make an impact. Economic War Room officially announces its partnership with Liberty University to help financial…
Rosemary Gibson of the Hastings Center is back in the Economic War Room with specific next steps to help close the executive order being worked on to get our pharmaceutical business back in the U.S. In addition to the national security and health issues we have covered before, she shares about the…
Your first vote is at the ballot box and your second vote is how you use your money. Dan Grant, CEO and co-founder of 2nd Vote Funds, shares how they initially started their research firm years ago to educate consumers on what companies are doing with their advocacy and their philanthropy. Now they…