The Shocking Truth Behind Energy Politics and the Petrodollar


Join Kevin Freeman and energy expert Jacki Deason as they explore the complexities of American energy independence and the challenges posed by current policies. They will also explore the strategic significance of the petrodollar and the geopolitical shifts influencing global oil markets. Jacki will share keen insights on how U.S. regulations and international dynamics shape the current economic landscape. Stay tuned to uncover energy politics' pivotal role in national security and economic stability.

Military Strategy and the Struggles of Modern America


Major General Bob Dees joins Kevin Freeman to discuss global military strategies and the challenges facing America's resilience domestically and internationally. They tackle topics from the dangers of appeasement to cultural Marxism and the infiltration by foreign threats. The conversation shifts to the impressive work the National Center for Healthy Veterans is doing and the importance of supporting service-oriented individuals. Discover how the organization is reshaping veteran care and the significance of resilience and community building.

Resisting Global Control and Exposing Hidden Threats


Join Kevin Freeman in a special edition of the "Economic War Room," filmed at Liberty University, where he welcomes Dr. Jim Garlow to discuss pivotal global issues. They dive into the World Health Organization's troubling pandemic treaty, the ongoing conflict in Israel, and the rising authoritarianism threatening national sovereignty. Freeman and Garlow also explore Garlow’s impactful new book, "ReVERSED," which provides a biblical framework for combating societal challenges.

Mr. Freeman explained that America’s Founders were “hard money” men, insisting the new nation’s currency be based on gold and silver, but preferably gold.


The Two Mikes had the pleasure of meeting and listening to Kevin D. Freeman, a veteran specialist in global investing and the author of the new book Pirate Money: Discovering the Founders Plan Hidden Plan for Economic Justice and Defeating the Great Reset. Mr. Freeman explained that America’s Founders were “hard money” men, insisting the new nation’s currency be based on gold and silver, but preferably gold.

300th Episode Special: The Future of America is at Stake


Kevin Freeman celebrates the 300th episode of "Economic War Room," highlighting its growth relative to other long-standing series and underlining the importance of sharing powerful and important information. He emphasizes America's nearing 250th birthday and reflects on historian Arnold Toynbee's observation that great civilizations self-destruct, expressing concern that the U.S. is on a similar path due to economic decline and moral degradation.

Faith, Freedom, and the Fight Against Wokeness


Join Kevin Freeman at Liberty University as he explores the institution's firm stance on faith, freedom, and its resistance to wokeness with Ryan Helfenbein, VP of communications and public engagement. Discover the unique blend of academics, athletics, and spiritual emphasis that differentiates Liberty from other universities. Gain insights into how Liberty's values foster an environment of true justice and genuine compassion, channeled through the Standing for Freedom Center.

Testimony at the NACL event in Lynchburg, VA.


Kevin Freeman, Mark Dorazio (TX Rep), and Mike Carter presented compelling testimony for the adoption of Article 1, Section 10 gold and silver state-based currency. They presented the progress and need for this legislation to state legislators from across the nation at the National Association of Christian Lawmakers event at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Special Taping at Liberty University with Ryan Helfenbein, Dr. Jim Garlow, and Maj, Gen. Bob Dees


Kevin Freeman and the Economic War Room team participated in the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) and taped several episodes at the Liberty University studios with Ryan Helfenbein, Dr. Jim Garlow, and Maj Gen. Bob Dees. Stay Tuned for these important interviews.

The Electric Grid Crisis: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Solutions


Join Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room with grid security experts Tommy Waller and David Tice as they delve into the imminent threats facing America's electric grid. From solar flares to cyberattacks, watch to discover why our power infrastructure is at risk and what can be done to secure it. Learn how you can take action by watching the impactful documentary "Grid Down, Power Up" and supporting initiatives to protect our energy lifeline.

Silence Equals Consent


Join Kevin Freeman as he welcomes historian and author William J. Federer to the Economic War Room to discuss his latest book, "Silence Equals Consent." This thought-provoking conversation highlights the pivotal role of the church in modern America and emphasizes the consequences of staying silent amidst moral decay. Join them to discover the historical context and biblical perspectives that urge believers to speak up and take action.