Hedge fund manager Kyle Bass founder and principal Hayman Capital, provides highlights on global events.  Kyle predicted the US subprime mortgage crisis and was one of the leading voices with congress on the topic. Today, he shares his insights on what is happening in Hong Kong and China. See…
In October 2019, we learned of a special World Economic Forum exercise known as Event 201. The purpose of this was a war game to see how the world might respond to a coronavirus pandemic. Less than six months later, global governments were following the course laid out before them. Next, they war-…
China’s demographic trends and economic data may not be as strong as perceived. Add to that problems with un-audited accounting, IP theft, and a communist regime that presents a true threat to economic liberty and human rights. Gordon Chang shares why the US must stop negotiating for trade deals…
China is constantly in the news. At times they are referred to as a key US trading partner, an adversary or even an enemy. To get a perspective on how China is actually operating, it is important to understand their history, culture, and what they may be really thinking. Their global economic…
The battle appears to be more than a war half a world away, but it is closer than you think. Economic warfare and financial terrorism expert Kevin Freeman highlights the most important points you must grasp to understand the war underway and how to protect your family. It’s an economic war, a…
Foreign adversaries are using the US over-the-counter markets to skirt important disclosure requirements. Many foreign companies now being traded have never been screened for national security abuses, and human rights concerns. China has a number of high risk companies in this area! They don’t want…
Your retirement savings could be at risk with Chinese investments you may not even know you own. There are almost 700 Chinese companies on the over-the-counter markets, 86 to 90 on the New York Stock Exchange and around 65 in the Nasdaq. While main stream media and many politicians are focused on…
You can make a difference! See how you can weaponize your money to protect yourself, your family, and America. This week Economic War Room highlights China prescription medicines in US, the financial markets, cyber-attacks, and personal security. Get free access to your economic battle plans and…
Frank Gaffney joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss what can be done to get our nation back on the path of freedom and success. According to Frank, we are on the wrong track. He says the polls are evidence of how the common sense of the American people is operating. What Americans…
This episode was originally released in August 2021, We felt it to be relevant and timely based on all that is happening in America right now, as well as with the Economic War Room. It is much like WWII all over again when Hitler was racing across Europe. For a while, America was asleep and sitting…