Glenn Beck joins Kevin Freeman to discuss Glenn’s new book, “The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st-Century Fascism.” This may be the most important book Glenn has ever written! In this Economic War Room exclusive, we take a closer look at how the elites plan to “reset” the global economy…
Trevor Loudon is back in the Economic War Room to share unique insights on how even a small group of communists can manipulate and control policy formation in the U.S. The church is the backbone of America and has been a Marxist target for over 100 years. Now, there has been a deep push to bring…
David Tice predicted the 2008 market crash, those that listened and invested with him made money on the markets with his Prudent Bear Fund. Today, he is warning about a new threat and is working to alert America before it happens. His soon-to-be-released documentary, “Grid Down, Power Up”, explains…
Kevin Freeman goes on the road to CPAC Dallas 2022 and talks with Frank Gaffney, Gordon Chang, and Former Congressman Dave Brat about the various threats we face from the Communist Chinese and how it is impacting our economy.
Texas Rep. Brian Babin joins Kevin Freeman for a special edition of the Economic War Room from CPAC Dallas 2022. Rep. Babin discusses the increasing threats that more than 3 million illegal immigrants are inflicting on our nation. He and Kevin also talk about what is happing inside the Beltway of…
The first Democrat president, Andrew Jackson, displaced hundreds of thousands of native Americans with his Indian Removal Act. The native Americans called it the “Trail of Tears.” Joe Biden and the same Democrat Party have put Trump supporters on notice that they could be removed as well. It used…
Sixty years ago, President Kennedy uttered these famous words, “We choose to go to the moon.” As if it were a choice, ignoring the scientific and practical challenges. But less than a decade later, his words came to life. We chose and we achieved. It took an incredible amount of national will to…
When you take that oath to the Constitution to support and defend it, that means against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Lt. Col. Allen West joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to look at the internal and external enemies who threaten our economic freedom. Without a doubt, the number-…